Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New works by Paul, and updates

Shoot the Messenger's animator Paul Morstad has just completed some new works that will be shown next week at Vancouver's Jacana Gallery. Paul's paintings are extraordinary and they use many of the themes present in Shoot the Messenger: birds, geography, history, and land.

Our production team is back in Montreal after an incredible shoot in Lebanon, and then a hectic ten days at Hot Docs in Toronto, where Liam was a finalist for the Lindalee Tracy Award for emerging filmmakers - based on footage from his previous shoot for this film in October 2009. In the end the award went to a most deserving filmmaker, Ayanie Naseem whose first film, Forgotten was made for $40. He is a great young talent, keep your eyes on this guy...

Musically we continue to be inspired by one of the central characters in Shoot the Messenger, whose beats are providing much encouragement as we return to the daily grind. Our film's composer Radwan Moumneh's new collaboration Land of Kush is due for release at the end of May which will lead undoubtedly to some mind-blowing live experiences.

As we comb through the footage from this last shoot, there are some unbelievable moments that really do feel like 35mm fiction film - thank you Canon 5D ! But there are also some interesting challenges with this camera and I think we will see some exciting new ideas coming out of the film community over the next several months on how to best use this new tool.
