Monday, March 22, 2010

March shoot

Some recent gifts from the technological-powers-that-be are a handy firmware that lets you pro-res the Canon's footage right in Final Cut 7 without having to go through Compressor, and then today a wonderful little program called Pluraleyes which syncs up the video with the external audio in no time flat. Just tested it on our footage from yesterday and works like a charm! This will save HOURS of work sync-ing up the footage in post.

Tomorrow Liam and I (Sarah) are leaving for the second shoot. Slightly different setup this time - we have a LOT more gadgets! And we'll be bringing a nifty little GPS device to track our movements so that the web geniuses at StressLtdDesign can do some fun mapping of this shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Your fans are waiting with bated breath to hear how this exciting project is shaping up. Go, Sarah. Go, Liam.
